About MRView

MRView: Digital interviews and virtual Central Locations. Sorted!

Originating from research backgrounds, we had been utilising online interviewing platforms, for both group and individual interviews, for several years. We found them very expensive and plagued with issues. Around 25% of the sessions were unsuccessful because of challenges such as firewalls not letting respondents in or having to rely on a third party to manage the sessions, etc.

These frustrations paved the way to the design and creation of MRView.

Driven by our experience, but also the requirements of our clients’, our talented team of developers have created a solution that is:

·        Easy to use

·        Fully featured

·        Cost effective

·        Secure and GDPR compliant

And which can:

·        Be personalised (white labelled)

·        Be used anywhere you can access the internet

If you’d like to learn more about MRView and connect clients, participants, observers and analysts wherever they are, hassle free, please get in touch.

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